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Back to Current Letting
Last Updated: 07/02/2003
July 31, 2003 Contract Letting

The Department of Roads has scheduled a bid letting to be held in this office
July 31, 2003 at 1:30 p.m.

The downloadable package includes the Notice to Contractors includes:

1. Website Information
2. Notice to all Bidders
3. Ordering Instructions
4. Notices to Contractors including time allowances and lists of plans
5. Plan Order Form
6. Informational Proposal Order Form
7. R-125 "Request for Bidding Proposal Forms"

Projects containing DBE Goals are indicated in the "Notice to Contractors".

Please check the "Important Letting Information" on the website frequently.

The last day to submit acceptable prequalification statements for this letting is
by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 21, 2003.

To download the entire Notice To Contractors package click here.

      * denotes DBE Goal                   Acrobat Reader is required to view these files

Call Order Project Number Location Contract ID
Control Number
*F01 W. Dodge Rd., 132nd St. - 120th St. EACNH-6-7(164) 2899 21899 Douglas
*F02 Norfolk North EACNH-81-3(132) 3849A 30849A Madison, Pierce
F03 Pilger South STPP-15-3(112) 3657X 31657 Stanton
N04 Bushnell - West Kimball RD-80-1(1023) 5252 51252 Kimball
F05 Maxwell Interchange NH-80-4(116) 6987 60987 Lincoln
N07 US-6 North S-25-1(1012) 7792 70792 Hayes, Hitchcock
N08 Culbertson South PEP-17-1(1001) 7013 71013 Hitchcock
*F09 Niobrara River North & South EACSTPD-281-4(115) 8648 80648 Boyd, Holt
N10 Spencer South PEP-281-4(1011) 8808 80808 Boyd, Holt
N11 Bristow East & West PEP-12-4(1013) 8809 80809 Boyd
F12 St. Mary's Avenue In Omaha STPP-5046(2) 2117X 22117 Douglas


Contracts Office
P.O. Box 94759 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4759
1500 Highway 2 Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
Tel (402) 479-4525
Fax (402) 479-3803

Please contact the Contracts Section with your questions/comments.

Contact Construction Divison regarding web content/problems/suggestions.