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Special Notice

Last Updated: 09/30/2003
Automated Portable Real-Time Workzone Information System ('Smartzone')

NOTICE TO VENDORS (Posted 09-30-03)

The Nebraska Department of Roads is extending its deadlines for potential
vendors to submit written answers to questionnaires. The new due date and
time for vendor questionnaires to be submitted to NDOR is changed from
September 29, 2003 to October 3, 2003 by 12:00 noon to:

Contracts Division
1500 Hwy. 2
P.O. Box 94759
Lincoln NE 68509-4759
Phone (402) 479-4525

This due date has been extended to correct the distribution of the notice to vendors. Vendors that have already submitted the required original plus 5 copies do not need to resubmit.

Project No. BAC-ITS-80-9(885) CN. 22125
Announcement for Prequalification and Information

The Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) is preparing to let a construction contract for an Automated Portable Real-Time Workzone Information System ("Smartzone"). The purpose of this system is to monitor and mitigate the affects to traffic associated with the interstate reconstruction project on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln. The Smartzone Vendor shall furnish this system for measuring and delivering condition-responsive messages for the workzone on I-80 located between N-370 and Ruff Road (Milepost 429.8 and 438.7 in Sarpy County).

Vendors must have approval to be used for this project. All vendors must provide a completed questionnaire no later than Noon CST on September 29, 2003. NDOR will require a financial prequalification 10 days before letting for prime contractors.

(Subject to Change)
Only prequalified contractors will
be given bid documents.
09/10/03 Distribution of vendor packages Bid documents will be available in November 2003
09/29/03 Deadline for vendor submittals Bid opening anticipated on December 18, 2003
10/10/03 Vendor presentations Construction is anticipated to begin in March 2004.
10/31/03 Vendor approval notification

Address submittals to the attention of:

Contracts Office
P.O. Box 94759 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4759
1500 Highway 2 Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
Tel (402) 479-4525
Fax (402) 479-3803

Questions about the project may be addressed to:

Wally Heyen, Traffic Division, NDOR
Phone: (402) 479-4594

Automated Portable Real-Time
Workzone Information System ('Smartzone')

Please contact the Contracts Section with your questions/comments.

Contact Construction Divison regarding web content/problems/suggestions.