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Last Updated: 07/08/2003
July 31, 2003 Contract Letting

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The Informational Proposals are sorted by Call number.  
  • To view:  Single left click on the link of appropriate Call Number.
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To be included on the Plan Holders List,  please click here.  

     * denotes DBE Goal                   Acrobat Reader is required to view these files

Call Order Project Number Location Contract ID
Control Number
*F01 W. Dodge Rd.,
132nd St. - 120th St.
EACNH-6-7(164) 2899 21899 Douglas
Norfolk North EACNH-81-3(132) 3849A 30849A Madison, Pierce
F03 Pilger South STPP-15-3(112) 3657X 31657 Stanton
N04 Bushnell - West Kimball RD-80-1(1023) 5252 51252 Kimball
F05 Maxwell Interchange NH-80-4(116) 6987 60987 Lincoln
N07 US-6 North S-25-1(1012) 7792 70792 Hayes, Hitchcock
N08 Culbertson South PEP-17-1(1001) 7013 71013 Hitchcock
*F09 Niobrara River
North & South
EACSTPD-281-4(115) 8648 80648 Boyd, Holt
N10 Spencer South PEP-281-4(1011) 8808 80808 Boyd, Holt
N11 Bristow East & West PEP-12-4(1013) 8809 80809 Boyd
F12 St. Mary's Avenue In Omaha STPP-5046(2) 2117X 22117 Douglas


Contracts Office
P.O. Box 94759 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4759
1500 Highway 2 Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
Tel (402) 479-4525
Fax (402) 479-3803

Please contact the Contracts Section with your questions/comments.

Contact Construction Divison regarding web content/problems/suggestions.