Wisner Corridor Study

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Wisner Corridor Study
Project # S-275-6(1022), C.N. 32023
Project Contacts:

Jim Wilkinson, NDOR, (402) 479-4421
Steve McBeth,
NDOR, (402) 479-4417

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West Segment of Project

Alternative A

Alternative B

Proposed Construction : Widen US-275 from a two-lane highway to a four-lane expressway. This study covers approximately ten miles beginning near the east N-15 junction, approximately six miles northwest of the Wisner corporate limits, and continues to approximately 2 3/4 miles southeast of the Wisner corporate limits. It is part of the Norfolk-to-Omaha segment of a planned 600-mile expressway system, an effort ongoing since 1988.

Lighting/Signals/Signing: These details will be determined later, during the corridor study or during final design.

Related Studies: The stretch of US-275 at Beemer will be studied next.

Right of Way: Private property must be acquired for highway right-of-way throughout the length of the project. Acquisition of some residences and commercial structures may be required depending on the location of the new roadway. The department's Relocation Assistance program will be available.

Phasing: The plan is to have the project built under traffic

Schedule: The project is in the 2010-and-Beyond Program. A begin-construction date will be subject to funding availability and other factors. At this point, general concepts and alignments are being studied. Survey has not been done yet, nor has design begun.

Estimated Cost: Cost estimates will be determined later, during the corridor study.