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Surface Transportation Program 2003-2008

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Seward East Projects - 2003
Bridge Replacements
Highway Repaving


  • Replacement of Plum Creek Bridge - Traffic will be detoured.
  • Replacement of Middle Creek Bridge - One lane of traffic will remain open and traffic will be controlled with a stop light.
  • Repaving Interstate 80 between Milford and Lincoln - Completed

Detour Routes

Route A - State Roads: Use Matzke Highway (238th Road) south of US 34, I-80, and NE Hwy 15 to bypass Plum Creek Bridge. Detour is well marked.

Route B - County Roads: Use 238th Road north of Hwy 34, Waverly Road and Nebraska Hwy 15. Detour is well marked.

Progress Report - October 3, 2003

Plum Creek Bridge Poured concrete is curing. Asphalt will be laid after the curing process. Guard rails and striping need to be done to complete the project. A completion date in mid to late November is planned, weather permitting.
Middle Creek Bridge Approximately the same completion date as Plum Creek.