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511 Traffic & Travel Info
511 on the Web

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511 Traveler Information
Nebraska Traveler Information

Dial 511 from Anywhere in Nebraska
Then follow the phone prompts

511 by Phone & by Web
What You'll Find and What You Won't

  1. Web 511 is provided by The Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR)
    and The Nebraska State Patrol.

  2. Web 511 is NOT maintained by Nebraska Dept. of Roads. However, comments left on the 511 phone line will be forwarded to Meridian, the company which does maintain the site, as well as to NDOR.

  3. What you see when you click on an area is a forecast for that specific segment of road for the next several hours, and any observed road conditions data which is input by our NDOR staff in the field.

  4. Our NDOR field staff input information throughout the day when necessary. HOWEVER, in times of severe weather, staff may be dealing with deteriorating road conditions and not be available to input data for several hours. Please use the weather report function of 511, and listen to local radio and TV weather info as you make your travel decisions. Our NDOR staff will input observed conditions as soon as they are able to do so.

  5. The 511 web map will have a zoomable map by November of 2002. Coupled with the color coded roads, this will enhance its usability.

  6. Construction info that impedes travel is available by both phone and web. You may also access monthly reports of construction and detour info from the NDOR Road Reports & Travel Info Page.


Data Disclaimer

The forecasts and reports found on this system are based on information compiled from numerous sources. While every attempt is made to be as accurate as possible, weather predicting is not a totally accurate science. Conditions can and do change rapidly. 

Road Conditions reported by Observer may be several hours old, because the main duty of the NDOR field staff during inclement weather is to maintain the roads. They report their observations when they have time.

DO NOT rely on any of this information as the sole basis for travel decisions. Before you travel in bad weather, check several resources to gather as much information as possible about the weather and road conditions. You and you alone are responsible for making the final decision to travel during periods of bad weather.

During inclement weather it is advisable that travel be delayed until highway maintenance activities have been performed. Always drive at speeds reasonable for the conditions of the highway.